@kattancock @christindal But I also reject the notion that j-students are dupes who are too starstruck to look out for their own interests.
@kattancock @christindal Hey, I'm not going to argue in favour of j-schools, which I didn't do and remain skeptical about. But
@kattancock @christindal Sure, qualms. I'm not "disgusted" by schools offering courses that people want to take.
@christindal But at the same time, people want this work, and I'm not sure the schools can refuse ~1,600 willing, paying aspirants.
@christindal But it's a shared problem. I have ethical qualms with j-schools churning out more grads than the industry can support...
@christindal Pfft, cattiness is one of the main charms of this business. And I'm agreed with the misalignment problem.
Mystery of where all the fired/quit A.V. Club staff went, SOLVED: a new movie site from Pitchfork: pitchfork.com/news/50949-int…
@christindal Oh come on, j-schools aren't unique there. All academic programs are filled with people who think they'll be the exception.
@chantalbraganza It's done that to me as well, but only for gmail, and the language is Malay
"The Capitalist's Case for a $15 Minimum Wage": bloomberg.com/news/2013-06-1…
Why publishers have to up their mobile game: tablet+smartphone users are 4X as likely to pay for digital news: digitalnewsreport.org/survey/2013/pa…
I love Feedly's "happy retirement" card for Google Reader: feedly.com/happy.html
Quick poll: do you consider "baller" a gender-neutral term?
@itsmarkmedley At this point I'm assuming/hoping she'll be like Tupac—unreleased material trickling out for 20 years postmortem.
@itsmarkmedley THIS TIME FOR SURE: canada.com/story.html?id=…
@theophani Apparently! But many people seemed to object to the premise, i.e., Marie as clueless teenager. Which I think misses the point.
I am 100% on board with this: "In Defense of Sofia Coppola’s 'Marie Antoinette'" vulture.com/2013/06/defens…
A nifty (and very canny) Rob Ford-inspired fiction insta-publishing project from a little Canadian magazine: littlebrothermagazine.com/everythingisfi…
“You know, it is always life that is right and the architect who is wrong.” -- Le Corbusier: nytimes.com/2013/06/18/art…
@Brunsdon Aw, shucks. Sometimes you just gotta let your pedant-flag fly, you know?
Anyway. Words.
Plus let's not get into possible visual confusion between "intimated," "intimate," and "intimidate," all very different words/meanings.
And then you wouldn't give the impression that you're using a fancy word when the right one is available.
But mostly I see it used in places where you could just write "said" (direct) or "implied" (indirect) — definite, fixed, useful words.
The whole appeal of "intimated" is its poetic ambiguity, the interplay of whispered innuendo and public statement. There are times for this.
"Intimated." Two dictionary meanings: 1. to make known; 2. to delicately suggest. merriam-webster.com/dictionary/int…
Please indulge the following little rant about a word I find troublesome in just about every instance I see it used:
@theturner @timfalconer I'm torn. I'm on the record for team descriptivism! Mostly. I'll die on Apostrophe Hill, though.
@timfalconer Indeed. I guess it's more accurately your anger, our entertainment. A righteous anger!
@theophani @ivortossell I am insinuating myself into this exchange to ask when you'll be in TO. (Also: hi!)
@timfalconer (Post-tweet Googling, I see I should have used the more common "angertainment" instead.)
@timfalconer Here's a New Yorker blog post that misuses "begs the question," for your enterragement: newyorker.com/online/blogs/c…
This is a really good, trenchant exchange on the current state of internet advertising and "sponsored content": gawker.com/and-now-a-coun…
A new golden age for magazines! If you're a 40ish white male (or Graydon Carter): port-magazine.com/wp-content/upl…
@scroll I was so ON THAT six weeks ago: twitter.com/gfscott/status…
@mawilson Maybe it's me from the future, here to warn you. Of...something.
@mawilson My anger is irrational. But something about that first paragraph just tipped me over the edge. Carry on...
@scroll It was always a corrupt, toxic hype machine, but at least under Arrington it didn't read like "Business Insider + Thought Catalog."
As opposed to all those other generations, sitting around staring blankly at walls and never speaking.
There's just so much to hate about this TechCrunch post: techcrunch.com/2013/06/11/eli… — "Gen Y is obsessed with content. Addicted even."
These NPR temporary tattoos are pretty fantastic: store.thisamericanlife.org/ProductDetails…
@scroll "Apparently, he was in a band when he was younger, or something."
"Government Denies Knowledge": 25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m3dsgzw…
RT @reeraw: this @annodaam project is a wonderful play on our current like button laissez-faire economic state: http://t.co/aKxSIx028q
@balkissoon True. But still a great hoity-toity name for a neighbourhood. Limousine Lane! Caviar Crescent! er... Pince-nez Point!
I like that the richest neighbourhoods in Manitoba are all in the Winnipeg neighbourhood called "Tuxedo": canadianbusiness.com/richest-neighb…
@kelkord @NPsteve Pizza Yurt
Post-legalization, Washington State is retraining sniffer dogs to ignore marijuana: guardian.co.uk/world/2013/may…
Anyway. Periods. Use them.
One of the run-on sentences in Gopnik's New Yorker post on Rob Ford is 127 words. (The first sentence is 76 words.) newyorker.com/online/blogs/c…
Everybody: the Jello FML thing is a highly calculated campaign. Your incredulous tweeting is a feature, not a bug: adweek.com/adfreak/jell-o…
(The Canadian First Nations version is being released on July 1: aaron-carapella.squarespace.com/canadian-first…)
So cool: Cherokee cartographer creates complete map of pre-contact North America—584 tribal areas: aaron-carapella.squarespace.com
RT @scott_stinson: OK, for clarity: CityNews Channel is NOT CityTV. It’s the all-news startup that’s 2 years old or so. CP24, which Rogers …
A great map/visualization of the world's major bike-sharing systems. Montreal's #3! Toronto's...on the list: qz.com/89019/29-of-th…
@kattancock Feedly's working for me.
On the 100th anniversary of Stravinsky's Rite of Spring, here's a good @CBCSunday segment on it from a few years ago: cbc.ca/thesundayediti…
A WSJ video game in which you play Ben Bernanke dropping stimulus cash from a rainbow-farting helicopter: projects.wsj.com/games/thefeder…
This is fun: Tarbell, a CMS from the Chicago Tribune that uses Google Spreadsheets as its database: source.mozillaopennews.org/en-US/articles…
An exhaustive, highly technical breakdown of how the Financial Times HTML5 cross-platform app works: coding.smashingmagazine.com/2013/05/23/bui…
The other Murdoch shoe drops with the unveiling of the new News Corp. logo: jimromenesko.com/2013/05/28/the…
Hats off to this company, which is advertising Amazon S3 storage at more than a 900% markup:

I have no idea what this technology/material/process is actually good for, but it's mesmerizing to watch: mataerial.com
@malcjohnston a) yes; b) he is the Imperial Magistrate of North America now. The living envy the dead.
It's one year today since I started at @CdnBusinessMag, and my desk remains, in @Fieldish's words, "creepily" tidy:

@phillipadsmith (Of course, I would live in a spotless white cube containing a single Eames chair if I could; This is all a matter of taste)
@phillipadsmith I like Medium's simplicity. And Matter's no.1 bullet point is "distraction free." Less is more!
@phillipadsmith @kattancock Oh god, I have to hope that, otherwise why get up in the morning :) But yes, we should box at MagNet or smthng.
@phillipadsmith @kattancock ...And the more of these I see in the wild, the more I appreciate the old-fashioned uninterrupted slab of text.
@phillipadsmith @kattancock I think there can be organizational value; but also opportunity cost. Depends on outlet's circumstances...
@phillipadsmith I think my doubts are maybe more whether this format appeals to me as a reader, rather than any one implementation...
@phillipadsmith I do see a difference between choosing a CMS and choosing particular long-form digital article designs.
@phillipadsmith I am pro-experiment! I think the problem is that most examples of this style are imitation, not experimentation. Me-tooism.
@phillipadsmith (Bring up "Snow Fall" in a meeting now for instant digital staffer eyeroll! theawl.com/2013/05/snow-f…)
@phillipadsmith This type of digital longform story is already cliché. Many media cos have jumped on the bandwagon, to diminishing returns.
@phillipadsmith I actually think form and function are better integrated in the Guardian story, even if it's less groundbreaking. BUT
@dtopping They'll happily sell you the ebook version, of course...
@ty_olsen My ipad battery's dead, but it should. It's responsive, and all the video's MP4.
@ty_olsen Agree; I think it's much better paced. Feels written for the medium, instead of an epic lump of text with video plopped in.
"Firestorm" is the new "Snow Fall.": guardian.co.uk/world/interact…
(I cannot think of a way you could convey the point of that graphic faster and more intuitively to hopeless sports-illiterates like me)
A great example of an animated gif used for journalistic ends. Instant, high-bandwidth insight: fangraphs.com/blogs/miguel-c… (via @TheGameSheet)
@scroll "The Puffster" comics can return too, shurely?
FTR: I still think there's a place for riffing on well-known tropes; We'd be nowhere without visual idiom and variation/parody/homage.
When Bullock started needling NOW about its covers, I eyerolled. But seeing them cumulatively... coverssell.com/?p=7338
@kattancock I did look it up, but C'MON
All I wanted from this video was how to pronounce the name of this drink, NYT. You had ONE JOB: nytimes.com/video/2013/05/…
@ryanmerkley Not only does it evolve, it's open source! Forks, merges, pull requests. Original authors influence, but can't control.
@kvey Exactly! There's a reason we're not tagging each other on Ye Facebeech.
If more people over time adopt "lede," then that's correct. If they prounounce it hard-G gif, that's correct. Prescriptivists go home.
Arg, people. Words compete in a bloody Darwinian struggle for survival. Your "historical basis" is irrelevant: howardowens.com/2011/09/18/led…
RT @SaraCardace: Since we're confessing, this is also how I feel about TED. RT @awl: Everyone Secretly Hates "Snow Fall" - http://t.co/0LE6…
The BBC's CMS automatically creates 18 different sizes and resolutions for every image in an article: responsivenews.co.uk/post/500924583…
"Howard Stern is the best celebrity interviewer ... because he is insanely curious." theweek.com/article/index/…
@pomeranian99 George Bernard Shaw's nude selfies (!) came out a couple years back: bbc.co.uk/news/uk-englan…
Writers! I'm talking this Thursday to @PWACToronto about pitching business stories. Might boost your EBITDA: events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event…
This @navalang column on what to watch for with the next-gen Xbox is turning out to look quite prescient indeed: canadianbusiness.com/blogs-and-comm…
"We are witnessing the resegregation of the American media": thenation.com/article/174351… (psst, @ethnicaisle)
"With 31 days left to reach its $660 million goal, the campaign has taken in a little more than $15,000." poynter.org/latest-news/me…