@SaraSoueidan You were my inspiration for getting back to personal blogging! 🙏 Hope it helps!
@SaraSoueidan @eleven_ty @zachleat I managed to get this working with the Eleventy Plugin image just last week! gfscott.com/blog/eleventy-…
@nerdygirly Amazing, I must admit I didn't know this was a real name and not just your nickname for me 😅
Can confirm: no shortage of interesting problems to work on here (with me!) twitter.com/yeseniaa/statu…
@EzellWrites Aw, thanks — that's truly gratifying! 🙏
@zoecormier Something to look forward to instead!
RT @amythibodeau: We've opened up a role for a product designer on Platform. This role will join a small group of people who are thinking a…
@lisa_ugray @tiffany_tse @Shopify Totally fair! I find --onto makes sense to me conceptually, but I have trouble getting it to work consistently. Delete-and-cherry-pick is kind of brute force, I know, but when @tiffany_tse showed it to me, it clicked in a way that other methods hadn't 🤷♂️
@shawnmicallef @karonliu When did Mmmuffins switch its logo to this RoboCop-Bank-Gothic typeface??
@zoecormier This is very much my jam
@shawnmicallef As a kid I dog-eared this teen mystery set in and around the West Edmonton Mall.

@navalang This is maddening because Kondo writes in the book that she often finds people use donation and/or complex recycling schemes as delaying tactics and cover for emotional fraud about their possessions. It's why she tells them to put it all straight in the garbage.
@navalang @lisanjutras Nav
Hey, I got a sweet new job! Monday was my first day at @Shopify, where I'm going to be working on content strategy in the Apps & Partners ecosystem. There is lots of interesting work to do, and intimidatingly smart people to do it with. It's going to be good!
RT @nerdygirly: This Magazine is looking for an interim editor on a contract basis
to work on the magazine's March/April 2019 issue. Could…
@agee9235 Thanks Alison! I really liked writing them. I'm considering some solo alternatives, but it's early days on that front. Watch this space!
@Newbornstranger @Robsonian I was surprised and delighted to be able to waltz right in, including ducking into a state supreme court hearing for a few minutes.
@karenkho @joshsternberg In my case there was another Graham Scott at my high school. Later I just kept using it out of habit?
@zoecormier booo!
@ariane_ekm Thanks Ariane! Honestly, I kinda miss writing Kickstart, and I'm toying with what to do about that. I have some ideas but nothing concrete yet. I'll keep you posted! (Sorry for the delayed response here — I was on a Twitter vacation, as well as a real vacation.)
@sonofaboar I'm going to miss writing it!
I'm gonna take a beat and think about what my next move should be. If *you* have some ideas about that, my DMs are open!
So about those 75 people laid off by Rogers yesterday—I was one of them! But I got to work with, and for, some ridicuously talented, smart and kind people for six years, and that is a good run by any measure.
@scarbiedoll @jamescowan I bet you've learned a ton of new jargon since then! You should cascade those learnings and we can make updates.
@jamescowan Kind of amazed it still functions!
In the chaos of today’s media landscape, I don’t know much anymore. But I do know this: we have to support the outlets we want to see in the world. With money.
But one of the benefits of doing things on a shoestring is that it doesn’t take much to tip the balance back to positive. The fact that the This team is asking for help now means they need it—and that they believe they can close the gap.
But trust me when I say its operation is the result of a lot of hard work behind the scenes. Money problems are common in non-profit publishing; it kind of comes with the territory. Everything’s done on a shoestring. It can be a grind.
Publishing continuously since 1966, This has been around for a long time. Which is why I think many—myself included—have taken it for granted.
I personally owe my career to This Mag, and I know plenty of other writers and editors who can say something similar. I definitely have a sentimental attachment here. But also as a reader and as a citizen, I want it to exist.
(Breaking a year-long tweeting hiatus here. This matters to me.)
This Magazine is a piece of living, breathing Canadian media history, and it needs some help today. I've donated. If you can spare a few bucks, please consider it: this.org/savethis/ @thismagazine
RT @ericalenti: The beloved magazine where I've spent a year working as editor is facing a funding delay, and we need your help. If you car…
@mikemcc_in_van gah that was me
@Robsonian I made your bot! Follow @fancy_beer. I could use your help on expanding the ingredients repertoire.
@dtopping There's a metaphor here I know it
@dtopping Fingers crossed for consensus that our biggest problem is we all have no talent
Cdn Media people: fill in @dtopping’s survey so we can skip straight to infighting about the results: dtopping.typeform.com/to/fgJAPp
RSS is on a comeback, I can feeeel it twitter.com/jeremy_keehn/s…
@shawnmicallef Tell me you fixed that one box that's facing the wrong way
(There’s real shit going on in the world, obv, but I will never stop believing in RSS)
they're literally describing google reader recode.net/2016/11/15/136…
“Power and fame are childish desires that children want when they play pretend.”
@lisanjutras Chill people are the worst
More updates from our #CETA coverage: “The stakes here are enormous for Europe.”
This narrative that newspaper folks were dumb-dumbs who didn't try hard enough is a) ahistorical; b) cruel
Lots of people want a newspaper, on paper, at their door. But advertisers won’t subsidize the cost of that product anymore.
Like, beyond the root “if wishes were horses” premise, it’s deeply confused about the business problem, which has never been circ.
I'm seeing this piece shared a lot, and I think it’s basically nonsense: politico.com/magazine/story…
@shawnmicallef did not notice! must have been off in my own little world as per usual
Definitely feeling no imposter syndrome about this: twitter.com/magscanada/sta…
@ivortossell for the record this is a hatefav
@kattancock My fav part of that story is this apparently zero-empathy, zero-irony statement about the "scariness" of being a minority.

@PromisedMePie mmmmmmmmmaybe news.vice.com/article/exclus…
Anyway, not a lawyer, etc. But I suspect this will make some waves as others get involved: ccla.org/canadians-lega…
And law enforcement is lobbying for easier access: cbc.ca/news/politics/…
(original source: web.archive.org/web/2013062905…)
Encrypting your laptop is no silver bullet—unclear it would help here. A cdn judge could compel decryption in theory en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Key_discl…
Enterprising reporters need to be thinking about their encryption strategy.
I mean when you think about it the declaration of independence was the original shitpost
(including 3+ years in G0daddy domain-parking hell: web.archive.org/web/2007101121…)
Wanted: an oral history of Inside.com, which has had like 14 different incarnations since the ’90s. twitter.com/NiemanLab/stat…
this is an exciting hire ---> @ericalenti <--- twitter.com/thismagazine/s…
Welcome, Garrison Keillor bandwagon-jumpers, we’ve got a rhubarb pie cooling on the windowsill for you
@navalang It instantly broke the spell. I deleted the app while standing in line for my coffee. That "realness" feeling is fragile.
@navalang I was mayor of my local coffee place for a long time—then one day I was ousted by a guy from Brazil on his first checkin.
@navalang Like, "checking in" was about "stop and think about what you're doing at this moment." Gamifying it made that untenable though.
@navalang I was an enthusiastic 4sq user when it first came out—it had a whiff (faint, but there) of mindfulness practice about it.
That SETI signal is aliens with their headphones in, trying not to make eye contact with us
Given Gawker’s imminent shutdown, re-appreciating the “rogue archivists” of Archive Team: technologyreview.com/s/426434/fire-…
RT @garyyounge: One walked; the other screamed. The amazing story of the two principal women in this picture bit.ly/1At5g2J https:…
im screaming

This hand-wavey guff translates to "Airbnb is getting into smart-home hardware": medium.com/@joegebs/intro…

Fun: Enron’s collapse inadvertently provided a major email dataset still used today to train anti-spam software: cs.cmu.edu/~enron/
@ivortossell Keep Businessweek Weird
Verifying myself: I am gfscott on Keybase.io. 8de_bakREw_233tK1LCYXxyTZ96hkWHdPsX4 / keybase.io/gfscott/sigs/8…
I'm not exaggerating: this gig can be life-changing. twitter.com/thismagazine/s…
@kattancock I have to let my snark out for a run every once in a while otherwise it starts chewing the furniture.
@navalang but are we still friends on ello
@muradhem sick burn
This was literally a Veep joke mere weeks ago.

The culture wars continue to rage in my text threads

@shawnmicallef @sarahbarmak The Dissolve’s A+ “Forgotbusters” series included a great piece about “Disclosure”: thedissolve.com/features/forgo…
“The bad-looking web was also the earnest-feeling web.” theawl.com/how-does-it-lo…
@briandstdenis The content marketing for this new Independence Day sequel is really getting out of hand
I *love* this story about Tumblr’s shoplifter subculture: good.is/features/issue…
RT @Joe_Castaldo: Freelancers! @cdnbiz is looking for awesome feature pitches. Profiles, investigations, long-form, etc. DM/email me!
RT @AngelosTzelepis: Read this entire thread, before you're publicly emoting about how sad you are about your favorite website closing. ht…
RT @canice: let us now praise brutalist web design wapo.st/1rRCVBw
RT @_MaiNguyen: Free journalism event at Ryerson this Saturday. Did I mention it was free?eventbrite.ca/e/journalists-…
@Robsonian Speaking up to say I'm enjoying these
RT @ftrain: because this is a story that I cannot stop thinking about I wrote a little more about the whole Daily News/CMS thing https://t.…
But did the latin placeholder text make it to the printer? twitter.com/goldsbie/statu…
*walks into ocean*

You could make a modern newsroom do *anything* by telling them BuzzFeed’s doing it
RT @phillipadsmith: Reading: A serious problem the news industry does not talk about bit.ly/26dDLZE
(Mis)Adventures in dual screening

Photo ---> JPEG
Chart ---> PNG