@gfscott Twitter archive About
@tiffing It was fantastic. And truly a surprise—didn't know what was up until we got to the border. Got a free poster out of it, too.
Forget the Richler adaptation — Fubar 2 is what I'll actually buy a ticket to. http://tr.im/jBsx
Amazing! This American Life Live screening. Perfect surprise. In buffalo.
Kidnapped from work by friends, now westbound on QEW for birthday plans unknown. The suspense!
Awesome, the Typographica blog has been reborn: http://tr.im/jxfk
@serial_consign He could—but I'm rooting for him. It's probably time for the Wes Anderson-backlash-backlash.
Which forthcoming hipster kids' movie will be more Gong-Show: S. Jonze's Where the Wild Things Are, or W. Anderson's Fantastic Mr. Fox?
NYTimes, you lost $75 million last quarter. Is this http://tr.im/jlnk what you should spend your pennies on?
Current "Mystery Issue" of @Wired is solid. Of note: feature on Kryptos http://tr.im/jl87, and Georgia Guidestones http://tr.im/jl8y
Bought a Town of York pin at Spacing party. I think that's where I live. If I'm wrong, my two bucks was an altruistic donation.
@scroll You + TorStar ad sales (Butterfinger? Really?) + the change in John Honderich's couch = awltoronto.com
@scroll Not convinced about The Awl's relevance (gawker meets tumblr?), but I dig the no-fi design.
Yes. RT @UnionSt: David Simon (The Wire) interviewed by Bill Moyers (love how Moyers pronounces it "The Wahr") http://is.gd/tsYW
Au contraire, train-lady. You almost hit my backpack with your face—not the other way around.
@0mgriffithgreene @thismason — Freezer-opera is obviously comic in nature; not sure that squares with Russian style.
Just found a Canadian Opera Company program (Rusalka) in the freezer. What the what?
Sorting 2008 receipts, sewing up that hole in my pocket, data entry. I could faint from the glamour of it all.
Countdown to Neko tonight: http://song.ly/3ntq. Anyone see on Friday? How was it?
@shawnmicallef No argument there—blocking unfollows was bad practice. But those like @truemors who feel "punk'd" by PR: Well, duh.
@shawnmicallef Sure, but why indignation now? #followgate was *always* a craven, choreographed PR stunt. Who ever believed otherwise?
Shocked and disillusioned by A.Kutcher Followgate? (http://tr.im/j4o6) I have some bad news for you about the Easter Bunny.
@scroll Curious if you have take on 70s-paranoia flashback "State of Play" — news vet Russell Crowe grumbles about blogs, kids these days.
Other fun wildlife sightings over lunch: d-bag with fauxhawk, pink Lacoste shirt & popped collar; d-bag the elder in Ferrari convertible.
@alotkow It doesn't do that YET. Just wait.
Patiogasm — noun — Annual event wherein Torontonians flood every bar at 4:30 pm on the first nice Friday of spring.
When writing a 1,300-word puff piece about the president's dog, leave Thomas Aquinas out of it. http://tr.im/iYjQ
Pointless fun fact: all the PA announcements heard in the background in "Gattaca" are in Esperanto.
Reminds me of "Aspartame, the goddess of things falsely sweet." Artificial sweetener battle brewing: http://tr.im/iTaz
See you there. RT @mgriffithgreene: Ryerson Review of Journalism launches tonight @ Cadillac Lounge. https://rrj.ca/images/frontpage/RRJinivitation.jpg
@mgriffithgreene Agreed. There is definitely a theatre-full of Canadians who would watch The Ira & Friends Show. #tal
@RobNear Agreed, it's long past time for someone to write about it seriously. Easier said than done, I guess.
Strunk & White's 50th anniversary: Elements of Style full of "limp platitudes [and] inconsistent nonsense." http://tr.im/iN2q
@clevack "Harvard of the North Korea." Nice. Congrats on two great years, boss.
RT @thismagazine: If you haven't read it in print yet, the March-April 2009 issue is now online! Read it all at http://thismagazine.ca
I'm definitely a Nambu convert. Like TweetDeck, but with multiple accounts. (Mac only, http://nambu.com)
@RobNear Sure, it's no masterpiece. But it did its job: to reassure TOlife's (boomer) readership that everything they think is true.
Now off to cheerfully do more cobbled-together freelance work. I'm such a generational cliché!
Finally read K. Onstad's TOLife Gen-Y piece, mostly enjoyed it. But whoever wrote the display type seems not to have read the article.
Useful > Useless: Gmail > in person > Twitter > text message > Facebook > PDF > IM > phone > mail > voicemail > fax
@nerdygirly I'll take your spare coffee. We who take coffee black are always getting shortchanged by coffee-bots who don't fill the cup.
@mgpcoe I agree. It's the Chupacabra: http://bit.ly/DT3Tr
@ivortossell There was a TFEW post about it, got the new Toronto Life yesterday — just ambient anxiety abroad in the land.
I am so over this "whither Gen Y?" hand-wringing.
OH at Volo: "It's been the end times for, like, 30 years now."
@catesimpson 5 hours. Sigh.
May-June issue of @thismagazine goes to printer today, arrives in mailboxes 3 weeks+ hence. Love print, but geez, it takes. for. ever.
@pheather Yes! Favs: Face/Off: http://bit.ly/14WjoQ, Fatal Attraction: http://bit.ly/9big5, Crocodile Dundee: http://bit.ly/63BdI
@pheather It's from this article, not available online: http://bit.ly/FYp8C
Poland: "...some kind of bohemian nirvana, a paradise where the proletariat grew up fat on the unskimmed cream of modernism." – M. Atkinson
Term I learned today: "Hapax Legomenon" — a word that occurs only once in the written record of a language. http://bit.ly/1XRFAk
My sense of vicarious stage fright is too great for karaoke.
Andrew Bird tonight. Huzzah: http://song.ly/2d4p
@WaxEBuildup Oh No! Typo humiliation. Sycophant. "The Syncophantics" should be a late 50s R&B combo.
Words that apply to this email I was just forwarded: presumptuous, syncophantic, incoherent, hectoring, and pathetic. All at once!
Brad Bird 'toon masterpiece The Iron Giant joins @The_AV_Club's New Cult Canon. Rent it. http://bit.ly/4e0NRm
I intend to go see "Dedicated to the Revolutions." Anyone else interested? Details: http://bit.ly/lp9Mc
Off to @timfalconer's book launch. A book about death and euthanasia. Wooooo!
My alter ego @thismagazine says: Take our survey — you could win stuff. Awesome stuff. http://bit.ly/sE9W5
Heh. RT @zdarsky TODD DIAMOND PRESENTS: "Twitter, in 3 Acts" https://www.youtube.com/user/ToddDiamond (thanks, @agentjess)
Will tonight be the night I sort all of my receipts from 2008 and total up my business expenses? Film at 11.
The idea of http://magcloud.com seems great. The overpriced, amateurish reality sinks in as you browse the titles available.
I have a rental car until tonight and feel I should take advantage to drive it somewhere fun. But where? Suggestions?
@NadineRB I use TweetDeck; I've also heard good things about DestroyTwitter, but haven't tried it.
Happy to discover indie rappers Kill the Vultures (http://song.ly/1qlu) via classy-music wunder-tot @nicomuhly
I went all winter without getting sick. Now spring arrives and my immune system gives up. Bleh.
The evidently-compulsory @wefollow initiation tweet is a dealbreaker. Bad practice.
@ivortossell Going to KW this weekend to judge high school debate finals. Family cars unavailable, renting similar price to Greyhound.
@WaxEBuildup If you've never visited before and haven't selected a language, it shows you this: http://bit.ly/13vxpM
Rental car websites suuuuck. There is a fortune to be made fixing this fact. The front page of budget.ca _doesn't even have a logo!_
@treehugger — Would love "top posts" rss feed à la Gawker. Full feed has become too much; topic feeds are too segmented.
@UnionSt Glad to see my obnoxious self-promotion delivered some incidental benefits. Retroactive altruism!
I'm a book-jacket blurb (the book really is good): http://awurl.com/sx5n7SM7Y
Factoid: U.S. orchestras tune to middle A at 440hz; European orchestras at 441.
@NatalieCorbett This Heather Chaplin interview from The Believer made me think of you. Serious gaming criticism: http://bit.ly/4p5SEf
"Earth vs. The Flying Saucers" is oddly improved by bad colorization. Which is to say it goes from plain bad to entertainingly so.
@remarkk @ivortossell We're still on for Queen/Spadina Le Gourmand at 10 tomorrow?
@AdamSchwabe Greenpeace stages "die-ins" to protest nuke power. It's to publicize http://30km.ca. Worthy debate, but their science is shaky.
My sense of vicarious stage fright is too great for karaoke.
@ryanmerkley Nifty. I'll quit my whining now.
@ryanmerkley I remember reading about it, hadn't seen the illustration. So the walkways are toast?
Barricades blocking upper walkways at Nathan Phillips square are an insult to the public. Use it or knock it down, but don't tease us.
Boy, this internet thing is handy. RT @scroll ...bootleg podcast of Age of Persuasion!: http://cbcpodcasts.wordpress.com/
@scroll I love Age of Persuasion — @cbcradio killing it with lousy timeslots, though. Move back to Saturday a.m. & find a way to podcast.
@romioliverio Yeah, we ask for full time, three months. Don't worry, the bills will still be there when you get back :)
I could be your boss. RT @thismagazine: Intern with This: deadline is April 1! http://bit.ly/2uOmKv
A brand new tube of toothpaste is so satisfying: bursting with hygenic potential, minty sojourns yet-to-be.
Letter-writers: Calling an article "lazy" because you disagree with it is itself lazy.
Damn it, I accidentally wore green today.
@ivortossell Settling in for the evening? Meet you there later, I suppose. (do we dare start #volomonday hashtag?)
Spent morning haranguing j-schoolers: told them few generations get privilege to reimaginine the craft. Painful/Exciting.
Seems thinkable to me. RT @jayrosen_nyu: Clay Shirky's "unthinkable" post on the publishing industry. http://is.gd/nhW0
Proposed Lanacane commercial: "99 Problems and an Itch Ain't One"
Sweet. Periodic table of typefaces: http://bit.ly/2z953x
@mgriffithgreene I stopped syncing after #WordCamp 2008 where I kind of flooded FB with updates of little value and zero context.
Having complained about Facebook's attempts to stay relevant with a new homepage, I'm now complaining that I can't see it yet.
Just confirmed I'm going to Kitchener in a few weeks to be a judge at the Ontairo high school debating championships. Nerdy memories.
@MissStaceyMay Well, let's not go crazy, here.
@MissStaceyMay Now I kinda want to leave the trenches of editorial for the glamorous world of circulation.
The Awesome news: Roomate Susan got into Columbia in NY! The somewhat-less-awesome news: I need a new roommate.
@MarcoUrsi Doug's camera should be confiscated as an instrument of torture. I don't think my grin has ever looked more shit-eating.