Clearout of @thismagazine files yields treasure, incl.: c. 2000 "freevolving hyperbook" on 3.5" floppy disk:
@phillipadsmith I've got a little folding tripod.
@theophani Excellent. Pleasure doing business with you.
@theophani that's me, isn't it?
@bborzyko 100% possible.
OH on street: Guy 1: "I went on a few dates with her, but then we just kinda stopped seeing each other." Guy 2: "Maybe she's in jail."
(Harold MacMillan is never recorded as actually having said that, btw:
"Events, dear boy, events."
@boyreporter Re Gwkr: I don't *hate* it. Like scrolling thru stories with j/k keys. But old blog format w/ skybar seemed fine as-is.
I like that Naheed Nenshi has graduated from an @ to a # — Twitter equivalent of knighthood.
Great moments in internet commenter non-sequiturs, no. 45,674,246:
I also finished a website redesign on Monday. Someone tell the Gawker commentariat: (@tinyalligator)
Considering springing for a @readability subscription. Instapaper + Flattr = [ ? ]
@shawnmicallef HuffPo's strategy—traffic-bait to pump up numbers for a sale—was hardly secret.
A Tumblr that links to all The Daily's articles, no iPad required:
@WaxEBuildup Just came from Vij's!
Percentage of applicants accepted by Harvard University: 7. Percentage of applicants accepted by McDonald's "Hamburger University": 1
Everyone on this plane is ill, a screaming baby, or both. #handwashing
I think I may be a domain-name hoarder. Does ICANN run one of those voluntary exclusion lists, like casinos have?
@chantalbraganza Me too. Couldn't get it to work at AJE's website, but iphone app works like a dream.
Holy crap, I'm watching Al Jazeera streaming on my phone. App:
@NatalieZed @jordanclaire Even though I was older & knew it was important, Berlin Wall didn't resonate the same way—Challenger was visceral.
@jordanclaire That is a short story begging to be written.
@jordanclaire Me too. I remember Challenger being the first news story I was really aware of as a public event.
Pledged to the @harpers union fundraiser. Some institutions are worth fighting for (and over):
@mawilson Port Dover = yes.
Satisfraction, noun: the sense of having accomplished a lot in a given day, tempered by knowing it's still not enough.
@crystalluxmore Dry rice! Like, we buy the 10kg bags and then have to split it between like 8 tupperware containers. Cooked rice storage—ew.
Roommate informs me: it is a special day in our apartment's "rice cycle": all the rice fits in one container again.
@MissStaceyMay All excellent examples. (I guess I'm talking about an effectiveness-to-bullshit ratio, really.)
@scottdagostino It's true, you should never cross a howling leftist :)
@MissStaceyMay (And if so, how can we bottle and sell, or perhaps forcibly redistribute, that magic.)
@MissStaceyMay Exactly! That's what inspires my question: is there a nonprofit volunteer cultural org out there gettin'er done w/out dramz?
@robsalerno Ha, yes, Santa Claus. Though perhaps money eases the way, judging by the sponsor page:
@scottdagostino In short, are there equivalent big events that do it well without so much turmoil? Or is that just par for the course? /fin
@scottdagostino ... Is this just a function of the type of event, which is obviously complex and involves many disparate interests? ...
@scottdagostino ...It seems like cultural orgs like Pride are often in a state of permanent crisis, whether money, leadership, etc. [...]
@scottdagostino Fair, "implode" is maybe not the right word. But she arrived in fraught circumstances too, no? Regardless [...]
@robsalerno Good ones, although they all sell tickets, mostly. I'm more curious about big, free public events, which seem prone to...drama.
TIFF, perhaps, but it's hardly equivalent in programming, i.e., big, mostly free. (SXSW is a private company, I learned).
Can anyone point to a North American big-city cultural festival (eg Pride or Caribana) that *doesn't* spectacularly implode every few years?
Facebook's automatic page-building content mill (underdiscussed, no?) produces odd dead-ends:
@mcpalassio Am reading your column and Googled this, with odd results:
@MissStaceyMay Dance break solidarity. This one goes out to unfollower dude:
@CdnMagsB2G1FREE The fancy lightbox function on your website means I can't link to my own mag title—arg:
@economicwoman Ah, you got the most relevant bit.
Hey everyone, @economicwoman got boing-boinged:
@mawilson Not awkward per se, except that I felt kind of useless. Didn't see it happen, didn't have my phone, don't know first-aid. So.
Non-recommended ways to meet your office neighbours: sit with them waiting for the ambulance when they break their ankle in the alleyway.
@emmamwoolley I know, I kid! But which offensive ones are you leaving on the cutting room floor?
@emmamwoolley That's not funny.
@tinyalligator He's all up in your business — RT @kanyewest: I just threw some bassoon on this muthafucka”
@bborzyko reading now. Will provide highlights, if any...
Unearthed from the archives: Time Magazine, April 12, 1993 — "The Info Highway":
@MissStaceyMay Remember this one from way back? (or, er, four years ago)
@scrawledinwax Gesture-ctrl: like that Douglas Adams bit in HHGTG about control-less radios you had to "sit maddeningly still to listen to"
Cost to News Corp. of "The Daily," (100 staff journos) for 2 years = ~$30 million = News Corp. grosses for "Marmaduke":
@sarahbarmak Obviously, we need photographic evidence.
This is my local bar, and this is one of its many charms. RT @barVolo:
@RosieBarton @Canadianmags McDonnell Haynes counts Habitat for Humanity among their clients. Their kind of message, sorta.
@RosieBarton @Canadianmags "" is registered to McDonnell Haynes, a TO ad firm:
@PialiRoy Hochschild++ "Bury the Chains" is super good. Naturally he spent his 1961 college summer break travelling Africa. Naturally!
@TaddleCreek @joyce_byrne Taddle creek knows the price of everything and the value of nothing, it seems.
@TaddleCreek @joyce_byrne Slander and calumny. Also: live-tweeting your jury duty is SO 2010. (i.e., I did it first, nyah)
@emilylandau Perhaps they thought "Midnight's Children" sounds like a horror movie. But agreed, ew.
@theophani Nice acoustic cover of Ambling Alp:
Mockup covers of Murdoch's iPad white elephant "Daily" leak: — squint for choice hed: "A Bridge Too Favre." Hoo boy.
Hands up: who else is going to see @jbenton of @niemanlab next Tuesday at Innis Town Hall?
@briandstdenis @lisanjutras Scribidemic — an epidemic produced by writing.
@lisanjutras I especially like the bit where "she wore queenly robes 'under orders from God,' riding a sedan chair carried by eight bearers"
(Thought I'd try the new takeout place; it's plastered with propaganda for "Supreme Master Ching Hai" and 3 TVs showing "Supreme Master TV")
Eating grim vegan mush from new "Loving Hut" at Richmond & Spadina—actually a cult, poorly disguised as a restaurant!
@nerdygirly Are we filed next to Moneysense? How odd.
@ivortossell Already left, sorry. I was keen to leave before being dragged in.
@briandstdenis The barber's nodding and smiling, but he doesn't seem committed...
Guy in next barber chair going on and on about 9/11 conspiracies. Even Truthers need haircuts.
Headline as editorial, courtesy NYTimes: "Boomers hit new self-absorption milestone" —
Via @TimesRoman, the story of Vivian Maier—a street photographer who worked in obscurity for decades—is pretty amazing:
@theophani Socks, you say? I'm your man. New pair every day is my not-so-secret dream.
We've just had the second reference of the night to the movie "Ghost". What?
Assange takes Time's Person of the Year poll: (Justly: he was nobody a year ago:
I can't believe the Victrola brand name sold for just $1,000: (Also, "Financial Corporation of America": $500!)
Sally-Ann fundraiser manning kettle at Loblaws struggles to get through Christmas carols on a trumpet, honking and tooting the whole time. RT @ggreenwald: Great news: RT @GregMitch "Ellsberg on Colbert tonight defending Assange."
Dear phone mis-dialer: calling me once by mistake? That's cool. The second and third times? Um.
@ivortossell Is this like "You've been issued two exclamation marks for use in formal writing in your lifetime. Use them wisely"?
Here's @typeter on the Doctor Evil-O-Scope at the @TaddleCreek winter launch:
Jeremy Irons, do you need money? That's the only explanation for this:
Tweetdeck Chrome app? I'll try that:
@balkissoon @julespenner @scrawledinwax I think the real point is that Cherry said it as a proxy for Ford. That's why they chose him.
@AlisonGJ You could try embedding the PDF using Scribd or Issuu.
"Why we aren't a non-profit" — Interesting to watch @racialicious weighing media biz models in the open:
This is why she's going to be president. RT @emilylandau @Slate — Sarah Palin kills a caribou
RT @goldsbie: City Council agenda items are now plotted on Google Maps, e.g. Astonishing.
RT @julespenner: Independent Senator Bernie Sanders (Vermont) gives riveting speech against the extension of the Bush tax cuts. Watch: h ...
@MissStaceyMay @kelkord Slashtastic.
@kelkord @MissStaceyMay I harbour a secret fondness for Tik Tok, I must admit:
@accozzaglia I followed up that deep cut with this:
Look, I made a reminder thing: (following this: