@gfscott Twitter archive About
Researchers digitally encode a 53,000-word book into DNA (which can store 455 GB/g): guardian.co.uk/science/2012/a…
Digging this SkyMotion web app (pointed out by @iancapstick), which gives minute-by-minute rain forecasts: skymotion.com/nowcastweb/
Lewis Black just held the door open for me at an Ottawa Starbucks. Didn't look that grumpy about it, even.
I have a sick fascination with nauseating PR tactics like "newsjacking": sparksheet.com/newsjacking-ho…
@ty_olsen Hey Tyler, thanks for the update, and congratulations! Nice to see.
That's from this piece, which is for some reason written under a pseudonym? guardian.co.uk/world/2012/aug…
"That most Vietnamese wedding portraits still snap the couple next to a bicycle shows how ingrained the bicycle is in the national culture."
Even better than obscure industry trade groups are the ultra-niche companies that advertise with them. The Hoky 3000! cbgpurchasing.com/about.aspx
@BenjaminCormier Here, have all my money.
Done transparently, it could strengthen likeminded projects and increase success rates.
...So that, say, Matter (kickstarter.com/profile/readma…) could lend a hand to, say, Homicide Watch (kickstarter.com/projects/13686…).
There should be a way for overfunded Kickstarter campaigns to donate spillover to other projects.
Did you go househunting recently but decided not to buy? I would like to interview you. Email me! gfscott at gmail
So far, it's actually quite heartening to see the quality of questions on that POTUS Reddit thread: reddit.com/r/IAmA/comment…
I'm liking this very geeky OSX notetaking program, Notational Velocity: notational.net
@ivortossell @kelkord @balkissoon Maybe for YOU it does.
@kelkord @balkissoon I felt I don't know it well enough to be on a first-name basis. It's only polite. Maybe once we get to know each other.
@balkissoon Ha. I feel like neither is really my metier. But I imagine this is a good-fences/good-neighbours situation.
@balkissoon There's a madrassa one door south of "Seduction Love Boutique."
Pretty fly new design for my old @thismagazine stomping ground: this.org/wp-content/upl…
(That Brooks column is such tweetbait, but I admit I lol'd)
"Romney was lured away to run the Winter Olympics, the second most Caucasian institution on earth after the G.O.P." nytimes.com/2012/08/28/opi…
Here's the livestream. Throw a banner ad on there, dudes: nytimes.com/packages/html/…
There's something...humiliating? about the NYT teaming up with BuzzFeed to cover the GOP convention: politico.com/blogs/media/20…
RT @aggremag: NEW Aggregation magazine!! Issue 07 includes work from @gfscott @lauramaize @presentingmrfox @emilyburke and Eli Yarhi! ht ...
@mattbraga Yeah. I think this would have been a great, if morbid, photo to use: hq.nasa.gov/alsj/a11/AS11-…
@mattbraga Ah, you beat me to it.
@mattbraga @charlesapple did a great blog post warning newspapers not to screw up their Neil Armstrong photos: apple.copydesk.org/2012/08/25/kee…
RT @alliebland: More on App.net - Comparison to "white flight" & country club analogy explored in good roundup by @jbou ...
"Fifty Shades" SIP. Newsstand marketing at its most craven and amazing:
@NatalieZed *Phew*
@NatalieZed "pretty much everyone"? Who are the exceptions? NAME NAMES
A brief history of grunge typography from, of course, the Awl: theawl.com/2012/08/grunge…
Nifty analysis of how one 2009 password leak prompted a Cambrian explosion of new security attacks: arstechnica.com/security/2012/…
All robot videos should be this great: youtu.be/EcOi6npIsVc
Pac-Man delightfully reimagined as a bloated summer blockbuster: vimeo.com/46717788
Researchers invent neuro-phishing, guessing users' PIN digits with brain-controller interfaces: boingboing.net/2012/08/19/adv…
I think this is probably shark-jumping bunk, but I do like the term "executable essay": nickbriz.com/thenewaestheti…
"Charm is a way of getting the answer 'yes' without asking a clear question." --Camus
@phillipadsmith This tutorial is only for static maps, but I got a few useful tidbits from it: webdesign.tutsplus.com/tutorials/site…
@knitquilt Aw, shucks. Thanks! Felt those old high school debate-club-patter instincts kick in...
@ivortossell @typeter Honestly, you can't trust these media types to get anything right.
@typeter @ivortossell My personal brand calls for a minimal number of on-air diva outbursts about my tiresome personal affectations.
This nicely points out the sting in the tail of all these pretty new web services — ad-edit blur: theawl.com/2012/08/the-pr…
@briandstdenis I know, right? Tim Horton's too. Also: "Blackberry B-Roll" would make a great rap/nerdcore name.
@journo_dale That glistening sheen of flop sweat really helps!
Look, I'm on the teevee: ctvnews.ca/business/magaz…
As in, think of small magazines, shops, blogs that are so reliant on one individual's effort. Irreplacibility is a double-edged sword.
Hiatus for @homicidewatch shows so clearly why super-engaged founders are key—but also why that's not enough: niemanlab.org/2012/08/after-…
@journo_dale Will do! But they only put up a few clips per program, so odds are mercifully long. #astarisborn
@Bouts Truly, life can always be worse. Yet another reason not to run for mayor!
(On the topic of branding: when appearing on TV, remember to say the name of your freakin' publication. As I just failed to.)
The boss is away, so I'm repping @CdnBusinessMag on @CTVnewschannel about Canada's favourite brands in about 15 minutes.
Headline writers! "Fifty Shades of Charest." I'm sure you'll find a use for that.
@moink_tdr @theophani I agree?! This interrobang is ambiguous to me?!
@theophani I don't have an iPhone anymore! But it also breaks on my S3. Instead displays a full static panorama...
A 360º panorama of the Martian landscape: 360cities.net/image/curiosit…
@newtron My friends advocated for the "Jerry" butler too. I'd never heard of it, and vetoed it for metaness. Another edge case.
This Google 3D visualization of the global arms trade is very cool/discouraging: workshop.chromeexperiments.com/projects/armsg…
@meganmcchesney Close, but that seems like an edge case.
@meganmcchesney Who was the help on Alf?
(The implicit question being: what's up with that?)
'90s sitcoms featuring live-in help: Mr. Belvedere. Fresh Prince of Bel Air. The Nanny. Murphy Brown. Frasier. Who's the Boss.
@CosmicRaymond Not the most exciting party for the first hour or so, but it picked up steam near the end.
@shawnmicallef @ivortossell All together now: tʃɪk • fə • leɪ
Your designer, when you ask him to totally change the infographic the afternoon you go to press: gifsoup.com/view6/2465958/…
(Re: actors and hair, here's a decade old Suck.com essay on the many lids of Samuel L. Jackson: suck.com/daily/2001/03/…)
Fact: 40% of Javier Bardem's acting resides in his hairdo.
@chantalbraganza Zing!
The "Cloud Atlas" movie looks, inevitably, like an indulgent mess: youtu.be/hWnAqFyaQ5s — hope it sells some books?
@kattancock @AlisonGJ Never heard of that before, but overzealous filter is possible. non-URL-containing emails don't bounce?
Nieman Lab provides a helpful corrective to the erroneous notion of frictionless ebook publishing: niemanlab.org/2012/07/ars-te…
The Poochie-fication of Chuck E. Cheese: underconsideration.com/brandnew/archi…
I will read anything @mariabustillos writes. Especially an astute takedown of the Bat movie: theawl.com/2012/07/the-da…
1 1
@heygaryc Nifty. But a few missing! @thismagazine (7,880), @geistmagazine (6,686), @maisonneuvemag (4,890)
A great little video about the City of London, whose weirdness I'd never fully grasped: youtu.be/LrObZ_HZZUc
David Remnick: “Speaking to the subject is the most overrated thing in journalism.” storyboard.tumblr.com/post/278332671…
The Wire: The Complete Series on Amazon Canada for $92, today only. Why 1-click ordering exists: amazon.ca/gp/product/B00…
So cool (if you're into this kind of thing). Download a web font with just the icons you need: keyamoon.com/icomoon/app/
RT @benjamin_oc: Joe Lieberman is the first person to say "death metal" on @cspan (c-spanvideo.org/program/MusicV…); @kurt_loder is most recent (ht ...
@journo_dale Exactly.
Watch out, it could be a trap:
Newsflash: French conceptual artist is excruciating interview subject: sheilaheti.net/othermedia/Cal…
Very cool: smartphone-connected gloves that translate sign language into audio: enabletalk.com
Surprised to learn The Shard—72 storeys tall, 1.2 million square feet—has only 48 parking spots: guardian.co.uk/artanddesign/2…
(As spotted in the wild, being used to organize Adobe's new open-source code editor: trello.com/board/brackets…)
Were I still working at a small non-profit magazine, I would be verrrry interested in Trello: trello.com
RT @ACCheng: Art historians claim to have discovered *100* new Caravaggios, sitting in plain sight: ow.ly/c3zAT (via @DonLinn)
RT @coachhousebooks: And follow that up with a high-five to @danicouture, who will be taking over the @thismagazine Fiction & Poetry ...
RT @coachhousebooks: Everyone give a pat on the back to @MrRazovsky, who is stepping down as Fiction & Poetry Editor of @thismagazin ...
Oscar Pistorius competing is currently the only thing I find remotely interesting about the Olympics: nytimes.com/2012/07/05/spo…
I think it's time to accept the modern usage of "Maritimes" and "Atlantic Canada" as synonymous: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atlantic_… #descriptivism4eva
@jeremy_keehn I see that mistake so often.
RT @habitualpixel: "we're all drawn to the idea of remoteness. A hard-to-reach place is necessarily beautiful, I think." from MAO II by ...
@ivortossell Zuckerberg!
@ivortossell Is that so.
Mom, Dad — I have something to tell you. I... I've switched to Android.
Times is right that the most notable thing about the Nexus Q is that it's Made In Amurrica: nytimes.com/2012/06/28/tec…
Art installation of 80 wall-mounted Teddy Ruxpins that talk about feelings (as gleaned from the web): youtu.be/yJ6tcq4n9EU
Google creates >1-billion-node neural network; it spontaneously learns to recognize cats in YouTube videos: googleblog.blogspot.ca/2012/06/using-…